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Musical News 12 - September 2021

Photo du rédacteur: Raphaël BeaudonRaphaël Beaudon

Here is the new issue of our Online Magazine, dedicated to the great discovers of the Month. Magnus Hordegard, RAF21, Chris Palmer, Pablo J. Garmon, Tiffany Hobson...

Let's begin with the latest music by Magnus Hördegard, who left us too early...

He's still talking to our souls via his music. Enjoy !

Here is the new track inspired by Maxime Chattam's novel "In Tenebris". Joshua Brolin is the recurrent main character in the Trilogy. This track is more cinematic and can make you jump by surprise ^^.

As a Beatles's fan, I love this piano cover of "Yesterday", one of the most covered song in musical history.

And now, a chilling music, very cool and fresh, with soft and dynamic beats. The melody played by the flute is great too ! By Richard Anthony Bean.

Pablo J. Garmon composed a beautiful melody, with harp and strings in accompaniement.

As ususal, Tiffany Hobson gives us a very delicate and poetic melody played at the piano. A lot of musicality !

If you like piano music with ethereal atmosphere, here is the perfect track for you, by Remi Solati :

Jürg Kindle made me discover this Bach's piece of music. We recognize the style of the great composer, and we can appreciate the virtuosity of Jürg ! Congrats !

Piano and guitar, do you like ? So, you may love this collaboration between Adrien de la Salle and Vadim Kobal ! Listen how the harmonic variations are rich and beautiful !

Do you like Video Games Soundtracks ? I do. I have great memories, when I played for hours at Sid Meier's Civilization. I love this music and the melody (I have it in my head all the time !!) "Charlmeris" is Chris Palmer's another artist's name.

A new lofi music, by Electrance, with a singer. "Are We Dreaming?"

Another great music for relaxation / meditation. It's awesome ! By Brannan Lane, who is a specialist to compose this kind of peaceful atmospheres.

Do you want to be featured in the next number of Musical News ?

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You can listen to these artists in two playlists :

NEW RELEASES (1 565 likes)

CALM & RELAX MELODIES (2 451 followers)

See you later for the next issue !


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