New podcast episode, musical discoveries, awards of Neoclassical Music 2022, good playlists to submit to, and the interview of Vivian Roost.

New podcast episode !
Review of the book "The Dolls" by Alexis Laipsker + Presentation of the best neo-classical music + an announcement concerning the top 50 neoclassical.
Warning : the podcast is in french now.
The podcast is not (truly not) professionnal ! The sound isn't very good, and a lot of things could be better, but it's a good way to talk to you directly, so, why would I deprive myself of it? ^^
Great Musical discoveries added to "Top 5O Neoclassical"
2000 followers now, for my favorite own playlist. So many great discoveries ! Here are some of them this month :
Amaury Bernier - Everything is gonna be ok
A beautiful soundtrack music, composed by Amaury Laurent Bernier. You can listen to the whole soundtrack for the movie "Totem" here ;
Rolando Marchesini - Clouds
It made me think at Thomas Newman work on "American Beauty" or "Finding Nemo".
Just beautiful !
Francesco Siano - As We Stay By The River
Every note in this music is perfect with the global atmosphere : peaceful, deep, and emotionnal. I love it !
Ben Laver - Kin
A marvelous solo piano music.
Francesco Fusilli
A very original sonority for this felt piano music. The melody is catchy and the interpretation is played with a lot of emotions. Fusilli al dente ! (Yes I dared to do it ^^)
Announcement : the best top 50 neoclassical musics for 2022 !
As I said, the top50 neoclassical is the playlist I prefer to manage.
It is updated every sunday, and it allowed me to discover a lot of great musics and talented artists.
So, why not make a compilation of my 50 favorite musics of this year?
All the musics will stay one year in this playlist.
And I will do it next year for 2023, with 50 new musics !
I love every track in this selection, and it was hard to select only 50 because I liked more musics in the past year.
Here is the playlist TOP 50 Neoclassical 2022 !
TOP50 Neoclassical playlist : the advertising on social medias
I have made a video to promote the playlist. Here it is :
Playlist of the Month : Minimal Ambient + Nature Soundscapes by Lofiraul Records
You can submit to this playlist for free on daily playlists (be patient), or via submithub on this link :
Interview : Vivian Roost

1. Can you present yourself? (Age, job, location, hobbies?)
Hi I am Vivian Roost, pianist composer and producer born in Switzerland and living in Paris. I like composing music, walking in nature , doing sports and cooking :-)
2. When did you begin to play music? And compose music?
I started learning piano by myself at 4 years old in my grand-parents house. I had a classical training since 6 years old at the music conservatory of Saint Germain en Laye (near Paris) during 14 years. I discovered the joy of playing others instruments and synthesizers at 15 years old and started to compose at this age (I never stop ah ah).
After passing my high school graduation (Baccalaureate), I decided to continue my studies in music and particularly in sound engineering in Paris.
3. When did you upload your music on the streaming platforms?
Very late, I am between the generation from the CDs and the start of the mp3 generation :-)
So until my second album « The Seasons » in 2019, I was not a digital listener and I didn’t realize, the impact of the streaming platforms and its huge development !
My second album was printed in Double vinyl collector numeroted and I decided at that moment to include a digital link with the physical album.
I started from 2019 to take a closer interest in Spotify and other platforms. I had at that time less than 50 listeners ! I started also curating my first playlists that are now bigger such as Piano Massage Spa Music that helps me to relax.
Now my music is on more than 10k playlists in Spotify and get integrated in huge playlists such as Peaceful Piano, Instrumental Study and Not Quite Classical to mane a few. It’s really exciting and amazing to see that listeners are coming from all over the world !
Peaceful Piano playlist is the biggest playlist from Spotify for Piano music and I had the great surprise to have my latest single from my album « From Home » added into it just two days ago ! A dream come true ! Playlists for me is a really good way to promote our music and to gain huge visibility in few time.
4. Can you tell us your experience as a composer for artists from music label and in particular Deutsche Gramophon ?
Not only from Universal, but also Sony, Warner, Play On…
Before I had a 10 years career as a producer, composer and sound engineer for others artists in very different types of music very far from my personal music (ah ah).
One of the most popular project I have worked with was the first album of the French artist ZAZ (I composed « Ni oui ni non » and « La Pluie »). I was playing more the guitar at that time and less piano ! This project allows me to meet the great Quincy Jones after a concert from Zaz in Montreux Jazz festival. It was so incredible !
I was also interested by film music compositions and my project as an artist began to be born in my head at that moment, in 2012.
I released my fist EP « Un autre monde » in 2013 including the piece « Niemand », tribute to film composer Michael Nyman. My first album « Depart » was released in 2015. I started to learn everything from scratch, how to really produce and promote an independent project as an artist and producer.
With the years, I had the chance to be in contact with many labels manager.
During the first lockdown, I decided to work on a classical rework project around French pianist composer Erik Satie (one of my favorite). First it was just for fun because I was locked in my home, with few possibilities to go out ! (Crazy period !).
After having played and recorded the Gymnopedies, I wanted to go further and decided to add strings, and electronics sound. The result was so unexpected that I decided to send it to Deutsche Grammophon without any expectations. I was thinking the reworks were great and I wanted to share it to the most amazing historical classical label.
And the dream comes true in may 2020 when Deutsche Grammophon decided to release the Gymnopedie N°2 Rework .
I couldn’t believe it ! Then we produced the beautiful video clip of the same name released on their official Youtube channel !
The project included only one of my 3 reworks. I was in contact few months before with others labels such as Pianoramix, and we wanted long time ago to do something together. I shared with them my two others Rework from Erik Satie’s Gymnopedies, they liked it. That’s how our collaboration began.
5. What do you think about the evolution of the music ? The streaming platforms : is it good or not for artists?
First, I was reluctant to streaming platforms because of the compression and the bad quality compare to an analogue release (vinyl and CD). Then Hd streaming came, and the possibility to discover so much music such as Youtube for the video, it was like a new world to discover ! Near 2012, when I present my first pieces to music label, it was very difficult to convince them to release « Piano » music at that time (lol). I knew Yann Tiersen music with the well known film « Amelie Poulain ». But there was not so many pianists composer that was signed. Then piano music became very popular also with Ludovico Einaudi music with the french film « Intouchables ». Finally thanks to the platforms such as Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music, new way to promote our music came easier and « Piano » music began to be one of the most played by listeners who wanted to study, relax, work with music in the background. Now it is more easier to start a piano project Thant before (ah ah).
6. Among your own compositions, what is your favorite and why?
Very difficult questions ! Every composition has a emotional story behind for me.
I would say « Home » witch is a tribute to my « home » Switzerland and my parents.
In my new album « From Home", I would say « Crépuscule », « Colours » and « Memories ».
7. Do you have a favorite playlist on Spotify? How often do you listen to it?
Not quite Classical is one of my favorite as I have many favorite artists and composer that I admire so much such as Nils Frahm, Olafur Arnalds, Sebastian Plano, Felix Rösch, Hania Rani... to mane a few. I am honored to have one of my track included « Autumn Rain Rework » in it.
8. Can you share with us 2 or 3 very good tracks you like very much (from different artists)?
Yes with pleasure but more than 2 or 3 ah ah !
Stephan Moccio - Lionheart
Hania Rani - F Major
Tom Ashbrook - Klass
Felix Rösch - Ostinato
Angus MacRae - Flame edit
Yann Tiersen : Port Gorez
Olafur Arnalds : Particles
Michael Nyman : The heart asks pleasure first
Joep Beving - Sleeping Lotus …
9. Can you present your new project album : “From Home” (Official release nov 11th ) ?
My new album "From Home» witch was released this friday nov 11th on Pianoramix label is available on all digital platforms and in numbered CDs (limited to only 500 units). 1 year and a half passed between the beginning of the first notes composed and the day when the album becomes real! It's incredible ! The project started just after the first lockdown, I bought a year before my beautiful new upright piano, a Pleyel from 1909 years old that I fell instantly in love and it was the good time for me to record my own composition directly from home. I tried to express in my pieces the feeling of safety to be in a place like your home and be as free as possible to let our creativity go. The covid period was a true experience of letting go ! « From Home » is composed of 15 pieces, mainly piano solo pieces but few of them are more cinematic, ambient and electronics Neo classical pieces. I hope you will like it ! I had the idea to release two EPs « The Memory of Time » and « Colours » and put them together in my album as every pieces was played and recorded in the same place with the same piano. I finished to compose the last 6 new tracks such as « Memories » and « From Home » between June and July 2022. I mixed the album in a studio near Paris called Vintage Labs Studio and mastered it by Zino Mikorey in Berlin (Olafur Arnalds, Nils Frahm,…). 10.What is your process to compose and record your piano ? I started generally by improvising and at the same time recording every ideas on my own piano. I installed midi captors on my old piano in order to save my improvisations on my DAW (Logic Audio). As sound engineer, I have acquired over the years audio equipment and now are very happy to use them now for my own recordings. To record at home is a huge privilege because I can experiment different recordings techniques and microphones positions and be able to record again and again until I am really satisfied by my interpretation. Sometimes, it is THE good moment and sometimes really not (ah ah ) ! I also composed and find more creativity when I am on holidays to my family location for exemple and played front of the beautiful Swiss mountains on the grand piano in our living room. I use my iPhone mic to record the ideas (ah ah) and I save them in my folder ideas after :-)
Thank you Vivian for this interview !
Listen to Vivian's music here :
"From Home » could be find on every digital platforms and also on CDs stores here :
Clip video « Memories :
Official site : iNSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK : /vivianroostmusic

New playlist : La Constance du Prédateur - Maxime Chattam
In his latest book, as usual, the author Maxime Chattam shared with readers the musics he listened to while he wrote the story.
I have added all the references in a new playlist, already liked by 35 real & organic followers.
Dark cinematic soundtrack, perfect for music in background : with Howard Shore, Michael Giacchino...
Rendez-vous next month for new musics !
Latest release : "Ondée Passagère", calm & atmospheric piano above orchestral instruments.

Available on all platforms here :
Thank you for your support !
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