Here you will be able to listen to the playlists, discover the latest musics added and submit your music, directly on this page !
And this month, the artist's spotlight is on Edoardo Gastaldi !
ARTIST OF THE MONTH : Edoardo Gastaldi
Negative Entropy is his first release on Spotify, but Edoardo already has almost 1000 listeners ! Listen to the mysterious and beautiful atmosphere, mixing a deep piano and ethereal pads. Follow this young artist to discover his future projects.
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SPA Music (522 followers)
New Entries in the TOP 10 :
- Drifting Beyond by Harmonic Pathways, Nature on Record
- Elevate your vibration by Ivan Namasté
Perfect musics for my playlist's genre !
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2. Calm & Relax Melodies (2 604 followers)
New Entries :
- Crashing Down by Tayrn : beautiful way to sing, very softly !
- Not exactly Sad by Suzy Callahan : here again, you will fall in love with her voice, with this great melody.
- Guess This, by The Marica Frequency : wait (0'50) to hear this angel's voices !
- 10.000 Ships by While I Wonder : piano, voice and soft rock instrumentation.
- Compass, by The Bare Bones : a chill instrumental track !
And my favorite one : you MUST listen to it :
- Witchcraft by Vian Izak : MASTERPIECE !!
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3. Night Music (1 488 followers)
Entries in the TOP10
- Where your mind runs to, by Aatom : very soft piano and night sounds
- The Last in Line, by Vann's Nebula : quiet synths and soft electric guitar
- Drops, by QUELCHE : what a surrounding cocoon !
- Peaceful Sea, by Alessandro Minci & Marco Miele : awesome guitar & piano on the waves sound.
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4. Raf21 & Friends (624 followers)
Entries in the TOP10 :
- Danse du Coeur by Karen Biehl : wow ! Romantic, impressionnist piano music, with - as usual - a great sense of the melody and the harmonic progression.
- No Place Like Home by Fawaris : a very nice soft / felt piano music
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5. Thriller Reading (3 483 likes)
Entries in the TOP10 of the playlist :
- Opening by West Dylan Thordson
- Main Title by Alan Silvestri
- It Hears You by Marco Beltrami
- The Concrete Cell by Bear Mc Creary (the composer of Walking Dead soundtrack)
After listening these tracks, you know what kind of music I am lookinf for this playlist.
If you have a music which can match, submit your music for this playlist here :
6. New Releases (2 093 followers)
New entries :
- Vivaldi Variation by Julie Hanney : so delicate and full of emotions, that is music !
- Silent Night by Karen Biehl : how clever is this arrangement, listen to the left hand.
- Kick It in the Shadows by Lainey Dionne : a fresh pop music !
- Called to Say Hey by La La Life, who are often in this playlist.
- Beginnings by Lisa Cullum : a beautiful and sad instrumental music.
You can submit your new releases here :
Here are the updates for these playlists.
You can submit for all my playlists on this page :
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See you later for a new number of Musical News !
