Discover my 50 favorite neo-classical tracks on Spotify.

For his birthday, Adrien de la Salle (or Note Only) reached the first pplace with "Danse des Larmes" !
A Fresh Start, (54k streams), by François Maillard, is now in position 3 !
Evolving, by Sylvain Millepied, is still one of my favorite neo-classical musics, so still in the top 5.
And Karen Biehl's fantastic Reflections is in position 3.
Entries :
Brannan Lane : Piano for Dreamers (43th)
Karl Prybyloski : Light Motive (46th)
Luca Fattoretto : Back Home (50th)
Fabian Audisio : Algo Nuestro (8th)
Rendez-vous next sunday for a new update.
You can submit your music to the playlist for free here.
And enter the new contest, to win a special issue of Musical News Magazine 100% devoted to your music.